Canadian Loggers' Sports Bursary
The Canadian Loggers' Sports Association has proudly offered an annual bursary of $250 since 2017. This bursary is open to anyone pursuing further education at a Canadian post-secondary institution (university, college, trades school).
Please see the criteria and eligibility for the bursary below.
Have volunteered or competed in logger sports
Or has a family member competed in logger sports
Provide a 500-word essay related to logger sports
Priority will be given to current/previous CANLOG members.
Canadian citizen or permanent resident
Be attending/enrolled in a Canadian post-secondary program (University, College, Trades School)
Proof of enrollment
We are pleased to announce that this year’s recipient is Jake Hewitt! Thank you to everyone who applied for the 2024 bursary.
Applications will open again for the bursary later in the year.